Introductory Clinic
This is a two to three hours introduction to partnership communication with your horse. Followed by an organic healthful lunch with the opportunity for one on one discussions with Patricia.
Please inform us of any dietary restrictions, allergies or preferences so we may accommodate your lunch meal needs.
The intro clinic focuses on approach and respect for horse and partner. Example: How to point to a horses hoof and ask them to lift and hold it for you, your farrier, or veterinarian without stress. This technique can be very helpful in situations where you need your horse to stand quiet on the trail when encountering leg tangling items, such as weeds, brush or downed wire fences.
We will focus on how to engage the horse for new adventures with trust and confidence. All the better for securing safe rides for you and your horse. You will be guided thru introduction of reward training. This is developed based clicker training. How much can your horse learn when given reward learning techniques.