Our Trainer Patricia Granger
I began my equine infatuation at the early age of three, safe times and beautiful county where myself and my year older brother were allowed to wander the countryside of England. It was there I found my first true love. That being the great equine majesty of the Shire herd that I was intrigued to observe and as a result become hopelessly and completely in love with the equine species. I was compelled and needed to know more about these beautiful animals.
Ever since those long lost days of intently observing every move those beautiful creatures made, I found myself lost in the wonder of their world. Forever intent on understanding their language and movements. It was clear to me they processed an intellect that was foreign and unknown to human vocabulary. I wanted to know their vocabulary. I wanted to understand what they were communicating to each other and just how they were doing that. They were so quiet and subtle in their ways; I needed to know more. I needed to understand them on a greater level.
This early intrigue of delight and question transformed my life into a direction and path only the horse could take. Every chance I had to observe and process equine interaction and nonverbal communication brought me ever closer to the equine mind and understanding. This was a journey that would lead me to observe horses in the wilds of Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and everywhere I could observe, as well as in the barn and pastures across the country.
The greatest message always received was how to learn to live in the moment of the day, of the current need to survive, of how to strive to be strong and meaningful in the herd. Only by living in the moment of each day was I able to incorporate into the herd. Either wild or domestic. Horses are always living in the moment of need and existence, yet they also want to be a part of a herd human, other species, or same species.
As domestic horse partners, it is our responsibility to deliver to our horses what they request and need from either ourselves or other herd mates, or their environment.
So I give the horses the opportunity to strive within themselves while I commit to being there for them: in the moment. This gives us optimal opportunity for growth, wisdom, and knowledge.
I began applying this concept at the age of 13 finally I was allowed to purchase my first horse with my babysitting earnings. I brought home a four-year-old mare who was described by her owner as abusive. I found just the opposite; she was extremely sweet and engaging, it was love at first sight.
We practiced jumping, trail riding, groundwork and Dressage. We won every event we entered. Glamor Saree would do anything I asked of her at any time she was my mentor. We began the journey that would last my life time. Even though she was only 14.3 hands, a Welsh Arab.cross, she would jump a four-foot fence without question. She showed me that a great equine partner would do anything for their human partner; without question. ! I was 13 at that time and asked more of her than I would any horse now… ( wisdom is great) But she always delivered without question or concern.
I apply all my learnings from all the horses I have worked with. They constantly teach me how to be a better partner for them and a better person for myself.